Stocks of a company represent the equity or share that an individual or a group has in the company. For instance, you as a stakeholder can possess shares of a particular company. Stocks are issued by companies that are listed on stock exchange to raise capital. Trading can be done for these stocks through Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), and settlement of shares will be through Central Depository Company (CDC).
There are two ways you can gain by investing in stocks. First is known as the ‘capital gains’ which is the price appreciation of the stock when you sell it or the difference between the buying price and the selling price. The other method is gaining ‘investment income’ also known as ‘dividends’ that the issuing company pays to its shareholders.
We, as TREC Holders of the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), provide the facility to our clients to Buy and Sell the shares of the listed companies.
Our office provides the opportunity to clients to place buying/selling orders with the use of the internet-based trading platform. There is also an option to provide View Only Terminal (VOT), where the user can just view the rates, without having the option to trade.
You can trade stocks online using your computers and smart phones wherever you are. Online stock trading provides clients direct access to the stock exchanges with just a swipe. Through this platform you are able to view and monitor your portfolio yourself.
We keep our clients informed about any upcoming investment opportunity. This includes the opportunity to participate in the Book Building and IPO process of the companies getting listed at the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX).
We act as the Participant of the Central Depository Company (CDC) with the facility of creating Sub-Accounts of our clients. The purpose of the sub-accounts is to keep safe custody of the shares of the respective clients.
We believe in creating long term relationships with our valued clients so it is our responsibility to provide personalized services. The objective is to ensure that the Investors understand the risks involved with investment decisions. We try to provide with up to date, efficient and timely information to our investors so that they can make informed decisions. Each client is given a Unique Identification Number (UIN). The manager ensures that the client’s financial objectives are being met through the investment portfolio maintained. They also provide regular information about the chosen stocks to the clients. Update about the current stocks and new information about emerging companies is frequently given so that clients may review their portfolio and add or subtract any stocks as per their requirements. Also our staff is responsible for informing the clients regarding any changes in the investment climate that would affect their investment portfolio so that required changes can be made in time.